Monday, June 25, 2007

Reasons to Support Your Local Musicians

Okay. It's been a long day. And, yes, these photos of a band that hasn't existed in more than a decade are rather old. What can I say? My stock of music photography is rather meager.

A few weeks ago my friend Rob pointed me to a fun site listing 13 reasons to support local bands. The site is I used to be a big supporter of local music, back when I used to go out more. I have to figure out how to keep supporting (and enjoying) local music, without staying out too late and regretting it later (can I help it if I need a minimum of 8 hours of shut-eye?).

I hope you'll visit the site. Better yet, I hope you'll go see a band in your area. Support your local artists. As Suff is quick to point out, local music is a "much better value."


ze bulette said...
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ze bulette said...

Eugene Torrents

Your local music scene, archived and shared online.

(had to delete 1st post as html was broken)

gardngrl said...
